Asia Legal at the meeting with the Federation of Hong Kong Industry

Asia Legal at the meeting with the Federation of Hong Kong Industry

In the morning of September 13, Mr. Luu Vinh, Managing Partner of Asia Legal attended the meeting with the leaders of Hong Kong Industry Federation.


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FHKI was founded in 1960 by the Hong Kong Government and is the only Chamber of Commerce established in Hong Kong by law. FHKI has over 2,000 member businesses, 18 functional committees, 32 industry groups (manufacturing, information technology and automation, textiles and footwear, jewellery and watches, environment and energy, creativity and design, services and other sectors), 1 member in the Legislative Council, over 50 members in Government agencies. FHKI organises over 300 events every year. 

Representatives from FHKI who welcomed Vietnamese delegation include Mr. Ricky Chan, FHKI Vice President, 2 Vice Presidents of Industry Groups and a number of businesses that have been planning to invest in Vietnam. On behalf of FHKI and its members, Mr. Ricky Chan sent a lot of questions to the delegation regarding the transfer of industrial land projects, policies on labour and insurance for employees, VAT refunds, foreign language issue of Vietnamese workers …

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As the only lawyer in the Vietnamese delegation working with FHKI in the meeting, , Mr. Luu Vinh, Managing Partner of Asia Legal answered the legal questions which were raised at the meeting and affirmed to continue Asia Legal’s support to FHKI after the Vietnamese delegation returned to Vietnam.

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Also in the meeting, on behalf of the Vietnamese delegation, Mr. Nguyen Dinh Nam, IPAVIETNAM proposed FHKI to set up a regular information exchange channel for better support for Hong Kong businesses in the process of market research, implementing business investment activities as well as handling procedures arising in Vietnam.

The meeting with FHKI helped Hong Kong businesses to have a clearer overview of business environment as well as Vietnam’s policies for foreign investors, promoting foreign investment into Vietnam.

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